To coincide with the recent feminist uproar, we see femininity and feminism are reshaping themselves through the gaze of society, consumerism and marketing. Nevertheless, we are still constantly faced with of mutilation, alienation and rejection in relation to our own bodies, which brings many different readings on how women perceive themselves. Throughout history, women have had a complex relationship with their bodies and the notion of self that keeps on mutating into different realms.
For Still Lives, Amalia Caputo, Bernadette Despujols and Tamara Despujols, suggest a selection of works that would be connecting through different strategies, ideas of how we distance, merge or reject our SELF from our BEING. The fact that mostly we find in our body a self that does not seem to match what we imagine it should be or vice-versa.They will present works that on speak about the notions of hedonism, adoration, alienation, transformation and negation.
Opening reception: July 19, 2018, 7-10PM
Closing Reception: August 3, 2018, 7-10PM
Bakehouse Art Complex
561 NW 32nd Street
Miami, FL 33127
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