Arts Marketing

How to Balance Creativity and the Business of Art

The business of art is something many artists avoid. They enjoy selling their work but not the tasks involved in creating opportunities to get their work into the marketplace. So how can artists make art and operate a business that helps them sell their artworks? I am interested in art as a means of living a life; not as a means of … +

Arts Marketing

How to Sell Art at Shows

Here are tips and observations from selling show space and attending fine art consumer and trade shows for decades. My knowledge comes from participating in fine art, home furnishing, interior design showrooms, and marts in the day. Like many artists, vendors, and exhibitors, I miss the glory days of ArtExpo New York in the Jacob Javits Center, the Decor Expo Atlanta in … +

Arts Marketing

Take the Lead to Sell Your Art

Selling art is a process that takes persistence and talent to get the results you deserve and desire. Art sales rarely are impulsive purchases. As a result, customers do not always know what they want. So when you learn how to sell art by taking the lead, you close more sales. “There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the … +

Arts Marketing

How Artists Can Use Storytelling and Why It Works

These two words sum up the power of storytelling and explain why it works—human interest. There are two more words in the form of a question that the best communicators use. So what? When you veer into dry facts, it’s over. Plain facts are boring. You instinctively know you can’t bore people into giving you their attention, much less buy art from … +

Arts Marketing

The Definitive Guide to Email Marketing for Artists in 2021

Email marketing for artists is the high-powered digital equivalent of direct mail sent through the post office. Marketers use it to deepen relationships with prospective buyers and to promote and sell them products and services. Because email marketing performs so well, it is the most effective and widely used tool in a digital marketer’s toolbox. It works with and improves social media, … +

Arts Marketing

Why Learning Art Marketing Skills Should Not Be Expensive

Let’s Make Acquiring Art Marketing Skills Affordable. I’ve been active in the art business since 1988. In 2005, I published my first book, How to Profit from the Art Print Market, and five more came in subsequent years. That same year I launched this free weekly Art Marketing News blog. I’ve also created more than a dozen courses on art marketing and … +

Arts Marketing

What Kind of Art Sells Best? How to Get More Art Sales

Is It Important to Know What Kind of Art Sells Best? The Question of What Type of Art Sells the Best Puzzles Many Artists. It’s impossible to give an accurate answer to what kind of art sells best in some ways. It’s too broad. Are we talking original paintings, sculptures, mixed media, digital art, or reproductions? Many of you know I worked … +

Arts Marketing

How Instagram’s Touch Makes Warm Marketing Work for Artists

Forming warm market relationships creates new connections, enhances recognition, and encourages sales. You create a virtuous cycle of perception, trust, and excitement that increases sales when you use your experience to inform your art marketing skillsets. Some artists and creatives are using Instagram to establish relations and find buyers. Warm Marketing for Artists Is a Timeless Way to Sell Art Nothing happens … +