The Future of an Illusion

Miami Beach Cinematheque. Feb 12th, 2009. 8:30 p.m.  Miami Beach Cinematheque. Miami FilmThe Miami Beach Cinematheque presents an evening with Marian Marzynski and guest filmmaker Franco de Peña in the Miami Theatrical Premiere of the film The Future of an Illusion (El Porvenir de una Ilusion) on Thursday, February 12th, 2009 at 8:30 p.m.

Pablito, a young kid writes a message for his father asking him to return to Havana, he inserts it in a bottle and throws it into the Sea. Puly Orama, the cigar seller, quarrels once and again with his wife about money, while she carries his infant in arms. Blanca, the prostitute, is waiting for the love of her life to appear and take her away from Havana.

Luisa, the aristocrat is waiting for her children to come back to Havana,
to see her before she dies. They all wait for the New Year to come and bring them a better future, an illusion that might bring light for their life.
Franco de Peña brings documentary and fiction together, with beautiful photography, in a painting of soft tonalities and a microcosm tainted with melancholy.

Born and raised in Venezuela, Franco de Peña traveled the world, learning and developing his filmmaking skills in Montreal, Berlin, Barcelona and in Poland where he graduated from the famous Polish Film School in Lodz. His film Future of an Illusion shot in 1997 on a Havana street called "Future Street", tells its story applying documentary techniques, and combining acting with life observation. It is also a case of filmmaking under political censorship. 

Marzynski, who was making films in the Communist Poland and de Peña, who learned filmmaking in the post-Communist Poland, will engage in an interview/discussion after the screening.

Miami Beach Cinematheque
512 Española Way
Miami Beach, FL 33139
305 673 4567

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