Futurcom has just published a new book on the life and oeuvre of Cuban Master Sculptor Manuel Carbonell. Richly illustrated, the book follows the artistic ascent of Cuban Master Sculptor Manuel Carbonell. It presents Carbonell’s chronological and stylistic trajectory, from his classical and religious period in Cuba in the 1940’ and 1950’s through the commencement and development of his intensely modern work in the 1960’s, culminating in Madison Avenue, then pinnacle of the art world. Following a period of self-imposed isolation, Carbonell resurges to be critically acclaimed as on of the greatest sculptors of 20th century and today. Carbonell’s inexhaustible vision and ever-changing style are the product of a brilliant talent and academic back-ground. Ceaselessly searching for the essence of the form and the absence of details, he struggles to provide a sense of strength, monumentality and simplicity to his work. Many aspects of Carbonell’s rich and varied oeuvre are denoted in this book; from his unique personal style and spectacular drawings, to the monumental feelings of his maquettes and sculptures that has lead to commissions of major public works. This exhaustive exploration of Carbonell’s work provides compelling evidence of his exceptional artistic talent. A brilliant combination of creativity and technique, a consistent originality and a universal sense of beauty that the artist imparts to his work undoubtedly makes him, as Dr. Fred Schoneman, Director of New York’s renowned Schoneman Galleries expressed in1974, one of the Masters of Sculpture of our times. Beaux Arts Gallery, Miami, Florida has the global representation of the works of Carbonell. For more information, please call: 305.858.6776
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