Based on the acclaimed documentaries by Billy Corben, Cocaine Cowboys chronicles the development of the illegal drug trade in Miami during the 1970s and 1980s through the eyes of Rivi Ayala, a hired assassin working with the notorious drug dealer Griselda Blanco. Created from the actual texts of Ayala’s depositions, newspaper articles of the time, and other found documents, this new theatrical documentary will shed light on how the economic growth which took place in Miami during this period was a benefit of the drug trade, and how it shaped the Magic City we know today.
Award-winning playwright, journalist, and multimedia artist Aurin Squire, currently a writer on CBS’ The Good Fight, and a graduate of North Miami Beach High School joins Billy Corben and Michel Hausmann in developing this uniquely Miami docudrama.
World Premiere
Colony Theatre
1040 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach FL 33139
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