2008 Miami Beach Festival of the Arts Poster Deadline: August 3rd, 2007. 5:00 p.m.All visual artists are invited to submit artwork suitable for the 2008 Miami Beach Festival of the Arts Poster. Works in Oils, Watercolors, Mixed Media, Photography, any visual artists work will be considered. Requirements: Up to three pieces may be submitted Works must be poster ready art only You may submit original artwork or on a disk Mailing Instructions: All submissions must be received at the North Beach Development Corporation located at 1181 71st Street. Miami Beach, FL 33139 or mailed to North Beach Development Corporation P.O. Box 41-4232. Miami Beach, FL 33141. Please do not submit art by email. Deadline: Materials should be received no later than Friday, August 3rd, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. Selection: The selection of artwork for the poster will be made by the fine arts board of the city of Miami Beach. Notification: Selected artist will be notified by September 1st, 2007. North Beach Development Corporation welcomes your participation and enthusiastic support of this milestone event. For any questions or additional information, please contact Dr. Barry Ragone or Kerstin at the NBDC by calling 305.865.4147
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