
By Carlos Suarez de Jesus

  The most pedestrian friendly conglomeration of fairs were located at the stalled Midtown Miami development where, the Bridge, Red Dot, Art Miami, Photo Miami, Scope, Art Asia and the Green art fairs all pitched tents. There was plenty of parking nearby and unusually thin traffic compared to recent years.


Leslie Gabaldon: And let it go…
By Manuela Gabaldon

Collective loss: another visual register of unavoidable thoughts .Our preoccupation as citizens of a society in crisis is reflected in almost every aspect of our life. We have questioned the professional, the economic, and the consequential, but have we had the time to explore a crisis’ emotional toll? Artist Leslie Gabaldon channels maturity and practicality within us as spectators and relentless participants … +


Galerie Hélène Lamarque
By Manuela Gabaldon

Our city of Miami characterizes itself by its diverse population and the constant arrival of new and eye-opening cultural organizations hoping to call our home their own. Over the last few years, Wynwood Art District has become the prime location for any gallery eager to participate in its pioneering efforts. Galerie Hélène Lamarque, an impressive and established gallery with a fifteen-year run … +


Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts
By Manuela Gabaldon

During my afternoon visit of Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts’ space in the Wynwood Art Disctrict, I was optimistically overwhelmed by the number of pieces currently on display and my desire to absorb them all at once. However, once I caught my breath I decided to experience the gallery one piece at a time in an order I would recommend to its every … +


The Enlightened Body
By Dinorah Perez Rementeria

An inherent feature of our existence, light is a source of energy, power, wisdom and grace. As we move from one point to another, we constantly emit gentle, imperceptible light signals that attract similar vibrations. Some people – like dancers, actors, martial arts practitioners, among others – can transform that natural inner light in a compelling creative energy by training their bodies … +