MBC CELEBRATES twenty six years of OSCAR NIGHT PARTIES with a… Casual, Members Only, Dress Down, BYO, FREE, Non-official
Academy Awards® Viewing Party!
After many years as an officially sanctioned Oscar Night party, MBC is celebrating this year with a home-style casual event. All you have to do to come is become a member, or renew/extend, between now and when it hits the maximum capacity. You can do that to the left by clicking on “register”, or in person at MBC. Then bring what you want to eat (and drink, if you like…We will have complimentary Coppola wines!) So dress down and kick back with us this year and enjoy the show! See you there!
This event is not associated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
SUN, FEB 24, 6:30p-Midnight:
The Miami Beach Cinematheque’s
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