Cristobal Quintero at Dot Fiftyone Gallery

From Feb 14th through Apr 4th, 2009.  Dot Fiftyone Gallery. Miami Art GalleriesDot Fiftyone is unveiling the exhibition “Painted Paintings” by Spanish artist Cristobal Quintero in the gallery's project room on February 14th, 2009.

Although nowadays it’s not an easy task to distinguish painting from drawing, and the most characteristic feature of each one is to minimize the medium on which it’s being executed, in Quintero’s case they are cleared differentiated. He usually uses drawing as a form of experimentation, covering multiple facets and with various techniques. He rarely uses it as the final work itself, more likely to experiment and make notes: sometimes to transmit an idea in an objective way, and others, taking advantage of the free association of ideas, the “automatic drawing”. Ideas and resources sprout from this seed, and he develops them, sometimes as far as reaching the canvas. Not as sketches, more like a field of suggestions. Most of the drawings get piled together unclassified, like a graphic “diary”.

With the drawings belonging to the series presented at “Painted Paintings”, he wanted to make that incoherent combination of elements with no narrative structure at a much larger scale, like zapping channels, or sort of. Mixing techniques and styles on the same medium.  An “exquisite corpse”, those hobbies that the surrealist artists did amongst several of them, adding ideas and disparate styles to the work. Before postmodernism, this would have seemed schizophrenic, style was associated with the personality of each artist in which his brand, his strokes, his imprint, was deeply linked with his psychology and character. For some time now, “style” can be chosen, the artist becomes an “art director” for his own works of art, that can keep aside his natural character (stroke, color, composition…) He chooses registers, just like he can choose color.

Dot Fiftyone Gallery
51 NW 36th Street
Miami, FL 33127
[email protected]

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