From June 10th through July 29th, 2006Alonso Art opens The Unconventional Drawing – Volume I. Drawings by Tomás Esson and Yamel Molerio. This is the first installment of a series of exhibitions featuring, as its title indicates, new, innovative approaches to the art form known as drawing. In an era when unconventional medias have been encroaching upon the traditional realm of the fine arts, Alonso Art believes it is important to show how contemporary artists have been stretching the boundaries of even the most traditional art forms. Volume I features the work of Tomás Esson and Yamel Molerio, two artists who, through very conventional drawing techniques, create highly original, thought provoking work. In the series Flags, Banderas and Wet Drawings, Tomás Esson’s line-draws American and Cuban flags. What sets him apart is the uniqueness of his line, consisting of two set forms that have been a presence in Esson’s work for quite a while; Talisman and Talis. Talisman, defined by Esson as “a tiny red object with black horns resembling the head of a bull” was devised by him at age 15 as a sort of lucky charm and can be found in many of his paintings and drawings. Talis was devised by Esson a few years back as a sort of androgynous beings whose coupling with each other create the images in many of his drawings, like for example the bars of his Flags and Banderas. Through etching on scratch paper, Yamel Molerio has created his series Dichos (Sayings), a collection of 200 small format works on Cuban sayings. Molerio, dealing with the issue of being an immigrant or “alien” in the United States and with the danger of loosing his native tongue, records the sayings, words and phrases of his parents, the slang of Cubans and Cuban-Americans, to pass it on to the next generations. The drawings are literal interpretations of the “sayings”, thus showing the difficulties and complexities of an unfamiliar language. Molerio is also presenting his installation Invading the Landscape. An opening reception for the artists will be held on Saturday, June 10th, 2006, from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. For more information, please call: 305.576.4142
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