MAC @ MAM From Jan 20th through Apr 15th, 2007MAC @ MAM presents Peter Friedl: Work 1964-2006. Conceived as a retrospective, this exhibition functions as a medium, emphasizing the museum display as an instrument. The exhibition is curated by Bartomeu Marí, from the Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona. Miami Art Central (MAC) and the Miami Art Museum (MAM) joined forces to form “MAC @ MAM”. The agreement states that MAC will produce significant original exhibitions and programs at MAM, adding to the latter’s ongoing educational and exhibition programs. The first collaborative effort of MAC @ MAM will display the works of Peter Friedl and Tacita Dean. Peter Friedl, born in Austria in 1960, has made a steady incision in the methods and conventions of contemporary art. After publishing reviews and essays on contemporary theater for a few years, Friedl turned to his own artistic production in the 1980s. Presented today in the form of a retrospective, Friedl’s work, consistently heterogeneous in classical terms of medium, style, and meaning, highlights political awareness, autobiography, permanent displacement, design interventions, potential counter-imagery, and the reinvention of genres left over from the history of Modernism. His exhibition presents aesthetic models for disarming configurations of power. Peter Friedl. Work 1964-2006 is accompanied by a fully illustrated, 370-color page catalogue featuring a large selection of the artist’s writings, along with essays by Mieke Bal, Roger M. Buergel, Norman M. Klein, and Bartomeu Marí, and a conversation with Jean-Pierre Rehm. For more information, please call: 305.455.3333
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